Engineering Professionals Committed to a Code of Conduct, Ethics, Professionalism, a Standard of Technical Excellence and Public Safety. L3 Learning, Licensure, Leadership


2020 was an unprecedented year.  We look forward to acknowledging future recipients.

Congratulations to the 2019 Recipients
Engineer of the Year – Shannon Souza, PE

Young Engineer of the Year –  Patrick Mills, PE

Presidents Award, Ralph Cohen, PE

Each year Oregon Engineers are recognized by their colleagues for their outstanding commitment to the profession and community. This year we encourage you to take the time to nominate a fellow engineer for one of these two categories.

Nomination must include information regarding the individual qualifications and/or a resume.
The awards committee will be in touch with you or the nominee with any additional questions.
Return nomination to the PEO office by April 10th; 70 SW Century Dr., PMB 353, Bend, OR 97702

Qualifications for Award
Candidate must be:
• Citizen of Oregon for past ten years.
• Registered Professional Engineer in Oregon.
• Active in the Engineering Profession for at least 25 years.

Basis of Award
The following factors should be considered in selecting the recipient of this award:
1. Outstanding professional achievement over a period of years. Factors to be considered in determining professional achievement should include:
• Contributions by research.
• Contributions to design and design methods.
• Contributions in educational field.
• Success in handling unusual construction problems.
• Executive ability in handling large projects, emergencies or disasters.
• Acceptance as outstanding by his associates in his chosen field of professional engineering.
• Contributions to technical literature either by presentation of technical papers or publication of technical books.

2. Contributions to advancement of Professional Engineering by:
• Service to community on advisory boards, etc.
• Service to the Professional Engineers of Oregon and to engineering technical societies.

This individual is an outstanding member under the age of 35 who demonstrated advancement and abilities above the norm.